Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Improving your sandbox golf

To be successful in the sand you will need to learn the correct set-up, the proper technique, and point of entry. When playing short sand shots, you should use a sand wedge. The lift of the sand wedges vary from 55 to 58 degrees. They will have an 8 to 12 degree bounce. Visualize three lines in the sand, each with a different purpose. The target line goes from the target to the ball and beyond. The second line will be almost parallel to the target line, but it is the angle of your feet and toes. The third line will be perpendicular to the target line starting from the ball. This line will show where the ball is positioned, which should be in line with your left heel for right-handed golfers

Now you have the correct set-up distributing your weight equally on each foot. The clubface should be open, but only a little. This will give the ball a lift and permits the back of the club bottom to bounce off the sand

Your back swing needs to be straight or just a little outside the target line. There should be a breaking of the hands immediately as you start your swing. This will produce a vertical swing, which will push the club into the sand behind the ball about two inches or so. This is your point of entry. You are actually trying to avoid connecting with the ball and taking as little sand as possible with it. You want the sand to lift the ball from the bunker. There should be a cupping of the wrist as you connect with the sand. Cupping is to bring the back of your left hand in the direction of your wrist creating wrinkles. The technique is essential to making quality sand shots. This movement will not allow the club to close and the ball to lift in the air with backspin. Now you have the basic principles needed to make a sand shot.

When your ball ends up in the sand, you will not get to choose perfect conditions. The sand may be wet, maybe most of the sand is gone from the bunker and you only have a thin layer of sand, or maybe your ball has landed on the slope of the bunker. When faced in one of these situations, you will need to adjust the sand shot procedure. When playing in wet sand or a very thin layer of sand, the club does not need to be slightly open; it can be square with the ball. You may want to consider making a shorter back swing. Since you want to avoid the bounce of the club off the sand, you do not want the clubface open.

If your ball is on a downhill or uphill slope, your set-up is different just a little. Your feet should be just a few degrees different from the target line. You will want to stand 15 to 25 degrees open from the target line rather than the 10 to 15 degrees open for a level sand shot. You will still want the club to be slightly open for this shot.

The ball should be lined up just off the left heel for your uphill shots. For the forward motion you should swing your club upward. Make your upward swing in the direction favorable to the slope

If you are on a downhill slope, you stand should be the same number of degrees open as in the uphill. The ball should be in the middle of both of your heels. Place the majority of your weight on your left foot. (About 60 to 70%) Cock your wrist immediately on the back swing. This will give you a vertical motion, which will accommodate the downward slope.

Apply these techniques for the various sand conditions and slopes will increase the consistency in your sand shots and help your scores.

For the sand shots you will need to have a consistent point of entry. You want your club entering the sand at the same spot every time. The correct point of entry is two inches behind the ball, so you will want to practice using this drill

Draw a line in the sand about six feet long. Then take you club and make small indentations in the sand for the imaginary balls about two inches in front of the line

Make them about 6 inches apart. Then do the correct set-up and start taking swings. Your goal is to make the club enter the sand on the line. Practicing this way you can achieve consistency with your point of entry for the sand shots

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